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General Announcement – Commissioning of Biochar Plant

We are pleased to announce the successful commissioning of our Biochar Plant, which has a production capacity of 5 tonnes per day (TPD), This achievement represents a significant step in our company’s dedication to sustainability, resource efficiency, and innovation. The plant will enable the conversion of agricultural residue, organic municipal solid waste, and sewage sludge […]

Sinhagad Cleaning Drive on Occasion of World Environment Day 2024

The World Environnement Day 2024 emphasizes role of restoring land, combating desertification, and drought resilience in a balanced social development globally.   The littered and contaminated land creates obstacles in the biodiversity growth of ecosystem, pollutes groundwater and soil resources. The presence of solid waste can be the first step in the process of land degradation. […]

MITCON’s Mahogani Marvel :World’s First Carbon Credit Backed-Mahogany Plantation  

In a ground-breaking move towards environmental sustainability, MITCON Nature-Based Solutions Ltd. has achieved a remarkable milestone with the world’s first mahogany-based agroforestry afforestation and reforestation plantation project registered under the Verra Registry a standard global verified carbon standard organization with a grouped project ID 2479 for Carbon Credit Facilitation in the states of Maharashtra, Madhya […]

Planeteye Farm-AI: Bringing Technology and Nature Together for The Sustainable Solutions

On July 26, 2023, MITCON Nature Based Solution and Colagen Research Private Limited launched a new joint venture company, PLANETEYE FARM-AI LIMITED. The company will focus on using remote sensing and artificial intelligence (AI) to develop products and services that support agriculture and forestry.    The company has an ambitious vision of using advanced technologies […]

Celebrating the Grant of Environment Clearance for Proposed 120 KLPD Molasses-Based Distillery by The Naranja Sahakari Sakkare Karkhane Limited

MITCON’s Environmental Management and Engineering Division (EME) is celebrating the recent grant of Environment Clearance for its project The Naranja Sahakari Sakkare Karkhane Ltd. Environmental Management and Engineering Division (EME) is one of MITCON’s key divisions, providing expert consultancy services for a wide range of environmental management services. As a result, the EME division collaborates […]

Proposed 120 KLPD Grain Based Distillery by M/s. Satv Refinery Private Limited obtained the Environmental Clearance

MITCON’s Environmental Management and Engineering Division (EME) is celebrating the recent grant of Environment Clearance for the proposed 120 KLPD grain-based Distillery Plant by M/S. SATV REFINERY PRIVATE LIMITED. Environmental Management and Engineering Division (EME) is one of the key divisions of MITCON and provides expert consultancy services for the varied matrix of services in […]

MITCON Inaugurates Environmental and Food Testing Laboratory for a Sustainable Future

We’re building laboratories for a sustainable and better future. On the occasion of Diwali, MITCON couldn’t have celebrated in a more appropriate way! We are extremely happy to finally inaugurate our new state-of-the-art fully equipped Environmental lab and Food testing lab with the goal of strengthening India’s environmental management capabilities. With all these changes, it […]

Voluntary derecognition from IBBI of a subsidiary.

MITCON Insolvency Professional Services Private Limited (IPE) which was registered as IPE with Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (the Board) has opted voluntary derecognition from IBBI. MITCON IPE now cease to be Registered Insolvency Professional Entity (IPE) w.e.f. 28th September, 2021.