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The 200 KLPD Multi-Grain Distillery/ Ethanol Plant by M/s. Sooraj Agro Distilleries Limited has received the Environment Clearance

We’re proud to share that we have a rich experience of successfully consulting and drafting documentation for more than 1000 MW capacity Decentralized Captive/ Cogeneration/ Standalone Power Projects, 4,00,000 TCD Sugar Plants & 15,000 KLPD Distillery/ Bioethanol Plants. Environmental Management and Engineering Division (EME) is one of the key divisions of MITCON and provides expert […]

Final approval for listing and trading in Equity Shares of the Company on Capital Market Segment (Main Board) of the Exchange

Pursuant to Regulation 30 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, we would like to inform you that MITCON has received final approval for listing and trading in Equity Shares of the Company on Capital Market Segment (Main Board) of the Exchange. In furtherance, we inform you that the Company’s Equity Shares […]

Migration of the Company from NSE’s SME EMERGE platform to NSE’s Capital Market Segment (Main Board)

The Index Maintenance Sub-Committee – Equity (IMSC) of NSE Indices Limited has decided to exclude the following companies from the NIFTY SME EMERGE index due to the company’s proposed move from NSE’s SME MERGE platform to NSE’s Capital Market segment (Main Board). The modification will take effect on March 17, 2022. (close of March 16, […]

3 Problems, 3 Sustainable Solutions by MITCON

Saving the Forest, Saving Livelihoods with One Renewable Energy at a Time! MITCON was recently a part of solving a huge problem that the Forest departments faced all across India. In this case, the deteriorating condition & human wildlife conflict in the forests of Maharashtra, the State Government set up an Academy named Vanya Jeevan […]

MITCON empaneled with Maharashtra Energy Development Agency

MITCON is empaneled with Maharashtra Energy Development Agency (MEDA) as “Energy Planner and Energy Auditor” in Maharashtra for energy conservation program of MEDA. Energy Conservation Programme intends to identify areas where wasteful use of energy occurs and to evaluate the scope of energy conservation. Maharashtra Energy Development Agency (MEDA) Maharashtra Energy Development Agency – MEDA […]

Welcome Mr. Anand Chalwade , MITCON’s NEW CEO

Mr. Anand Chalwade , has joined as our new CEO in Pune , Maharashtra on 31st March 2021. He was welcomed by CA Swapnil Gorde & Mr. Ravi Chandurkar, Business Associate of the Company. We at MITCON are excited about the opportunity to work and learn under such great leadership. Your wealth of experience will […]

Woman Who Smashed Stereotypes and Inspired others

There are some women who does not let others define them , their roles in society, their dreams & their capabilities. And, this attribute of strong women, who despite several obstacles have redefined and transformed the lives of theirs and inspired several other women. #WomenEmpowerment Priyanka Patekar Belonging to a small town called Alandi, Priyanka […]

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