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Take A Step Towards

Carbon Neutrality

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Carbon Footprint Estimation

A carbon footprint is defined as "the total sets of Greenhouse gases (GHGs) emissions caused by an organization, event, product or person. GHG’s are emitted through activities which involve fossil fuel combustion to meet the energy demands for transport, thermal applications, electricity generation and so on. While un-scientific waste (sewage and biodegradable wet waste) degradation is also known to release GHG (Methane).


The organizational and operational boundaries will be set in accordance with the ISO 14064/WRI tools of GHG Protocol and cover emissions, as per following specifications:

Scope 1

Direct emissions occurring from sources that are owned or controlled by the facility such as combustion of fuels in operational process.

Scope 2

Indirect emissions : These are the emissions from the generation of purchased electricity consumed by the company. Purchased electricity is defined as electricity that is purchased or otherwise brought into the organizational boundary of the company. Scope 2 emissions physically occur at the facility where electricity is generated.

Scope 3

These emissions are the result of activities from assets not owned or controlled by the reporting organization, but that the organization indirectly impacts in its value chain.

Carbon Footprint Standards

There are three main Product Carbon Footprint standards that are or will be applied worldwide.


Magnam dolores commodi suscipit. Necessitatibus eius consequatur ex aliquid fuga eum quidem. Sit sint consectetur velit. Quisquam quos quisquam cupiditate. Et nemo qui impedit suscipit alias ea. Quia fugiat sit in iste officiis commodi quidem hic quas.

Walter White

Chief Medical Officer

Explicabo voluptatem mollitia et repellat qui dolorum quasi

Sarah Jhonson


Aut maiores voluptates amet et quis praesentium qui senda para

Sarah Jhonson


Aut maiores voluptates amet et quis praesentium qui senda para


Magnam dolores commodi suscipit. Necessitatibus eius consequatur ex aliquid fuga eum quidem. Sit sint consectetur velit. Quisquam quos quisquam cupiditate. Et nemo qui impedit suscipit alias ea. Quia fugiat sit in iste officiis commodi quidem hic quas.


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